

  • 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持高质量发展,努力打造文化遗产保护利用、文化社区治理、文化旅游融合提升、队伍建设管理“四个典范”.

  • 以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持高质量发展,努力打造文化遗产保护利用、文化社区治理、文化旅游融合提升、队伍建设管理“四个典范”.

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发布时间:2020-01-10 16:37 字号:



  General Rules:

  Under the leadership of the People's Government of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China, the 2020 Kulangsu Piano Festival and Kulangsu Piano Duo Competition that organized by the Administrative Committee of Kulangsu-Wanshishan Scenic and Historic Area will be held from October 17th to October 21st in the World Cultural Heritage Site, Kulangsu. The 2020 Kulangsu piano competition during the Kulangsu piano festival is an international piano duo competition with credibility, professionalism and high specifications. The Competition Organizing Committee will manage all procedures of the Competition. The jury for the Competition will consist of renowned musicians from China and abroad. All members of the jury will rate each contestant’s performance with fair and impartial. Decisions made by the jury panel in all rounds of the competition are final and cannot be appealed against.


  The Competition is open to duo pianists of all nationalities, between the age of 17 to 35 (born between October 17, 1985 and October 17, 2003). All outstanding pianists around the world (except those who have a contract with an exclusive agency) are welcome to participate in the Competition. The Competition will consist of three rounds: the preliminary round, the semi-final round, and the final round. In the preliminary round, all contestants have to submit a video for evaluation. A maximum of 18 groups who have passed the preliminary round will advance to the Semi-final,and a maximum of 6 groups will advance to the final. The Organizing Committee will be responsible for the recording, videotaping, TV replaying and Internet broadcasting of the performances, prize-winners’ concerts and all other events of the Competition. The copyrights of all audiovisual products will belong to the Organizing Committee, and the contestants will receive no payment.





  * 报名表请登录厦门鼓浪屿政务网: http://gly.xm.gov.cn/ 或厦门鼓浪屿文化旅游发展中心官方网站: http://www.glyylq.cn/ 下载。

  * 报名表填写后需要提交一份签名确认后的报名表(拍照或扫描),通过发送电子邮件于 2020 年 06 月 30 日前向比赛组委会报名。

  2. 随同报名表需附以下材料(每组2人,每人都要提交如下相关资讯):

  * 近期电子版半身照片1张,必需是jpg格式(最少400像素)。相片请授权给主办单位公关使用。

  * 本人身份证或护照电子版或扫描件。

  * 本人电子版简历一份。

  * 该双钢琴组(2人)需缴交初赛录像视频。初赛录像视频为20分钟至25分钟时长的完整双钢琴曲目录像视频,录像视频不得剪接或编辑过。曲目可自由选择。


  * 每首乐曲可分开录制,上传之录像视频需未经编辑,且为近2年内的录像视频。

  * 初赛曲目仅接受双钢琴作品(不可包含四手联弹曲目)。

  * 报名咨询电话和联络邮箱:


  +0086-592-2570359 ,+8618906039119(杨老师)


  备注:报名表格填写不清或所附材料不齐全的报名视为无效。报名材料不 予退还,选手应自行备份所寄申请材料。比赛组委会为选手材料保密,并有权要求选手补充材料。

  3. 比赛组委会组织专家根据报名材料进行初赛,以确定报名者的半决赛资格,并将结果于2020年07月15日前以联络电话和电子邮件方式通知报名者,并同时将在http://gly.xm.gov.cn/ 和http://www.glyylq.cn/ 进行网上公布。报名者接到比赛组委会确认半决赛资格的通知后,应于2020年08月15日前回复比赛组委会。

  4. 比赛组委会于 2020年08月20日前内通知参赛者,最终确认其半决赛资格。

  5. 参赛者本人应于2020年10月17日14:00前抵达中国厦门鼓浪屿在比赛组委会指定地点报到。

  6. 参赛者出场顺序在10月17日15:00由抽签方式决定,抽出的顺序贯穿整个赛程。参赛者必须在指定时间内到达比赛场地,否则视为自动放弃参赛资格。

  7. 本次比赛全程没有背谱演奏的规定。演奏曲目的顺序和乐曲中的反复由选手自行决定。

  8. 参赛者比赛当天须缴交两份该轮比赛曲目乐谱之复印本。

  9. 参赛者的曲目如有更改,必须在2020年09月01日前向比赛组委会申报。比赛期间不得临时更改曲目。

  10. 对参赛者的旅费及食宿规定如下:


  * 参赛选手在比赛前两天(2020年10月16日)起至比赛结束(2020年10月21日)的食宿安排按下列规定:

  参加半决赛者: 至半决赛结束后翌日上午12:00之前;


  * 参赛选手陪同者的旅费、食宿及交通费等一律自理,比赛期间的食宿可委托比赛组委会代为安排,但仅限于比赛组委会指定的饭店或旅馆。


  Ⅰ. Application and Participation Procedures

  No fees will be charged for this competition.

  Each contestant group shall submit the following materials via e-mail to kulangsupiano@163.com.

  1. Complete the Application Form

  * The application form can be downloaded from Xiamen Kulangsu Government Affairs Website: http://gly.xm.gov.cn/ or Xiamen Kulangsu Cultural Tourism Development Center official website: http://www.glyylq.cn/ to download.

  * After completing the registration form, you need to submit a signed and confirmed registration form (photograph or scan), register with the competition organizing committee by mail before June 30th, 2020.

  2. The Application Form shall be accompanied by the following materials: (Each member of each group should submit the following information):

  * One recent half-length photo. These photos must be in .jpg formats (minimum resolution 400 dpi). Please authorize the organizer to use the photos.

  * An electronic/scan version of national identity card or passport.

  * An electronic version of curriculum vitae. 

  * Each group is required to submit 20-25 minutes of complete piano duo track video for the preliminary round. The video should not be edited, no requirement on repertoire.

  The following requirements should be noticed: *

  * Each piece of music can be recorded separately. Uploaded videos need to be unedited and recorded within 2 years.

  * The repertoire for preliminary round only accepts pieces for two pianos. Works with four hands on one piano are not acceptable.

  * Consulting phone number and email:

  Phone number of the 2020 Kulangsu Piano Duo Competition Organizing Committee:  +0086-592- 2570359 ,+8618906039119(Ms.Yang)

  E-mail: kulangsupiano@163.com

  Note: Applications with unclear information or incomplete supporting materials will not be considered. Application materials will not be returned, and applicants are advised to keep a copy of their submittals. The Organizing Committee will keep all applications in strict confidence and may request applicants to provide additional information.

  3. Experts recruited by the Organizing Committee will conduct a preliminary round of the applicants based on the applications received to determine their qualifications for participating in the competition. The applicants will be notified of the results of the preliminary screening by telephone or email before July 15th, 2020. The results will also be published on http://gly.xm.gov.cn/ and http://www.glyylq.cn/. Applicants should reply to the organizing committee before August 15th, 2020 after receiving the notification from the organizing committee confirming their eligibility to the semi-final round.

  4. The Organizing Committee will send a notification to the applicant to regard as the final confirmation of his or her qualification for the semi-final round before August 20th, 2020.

  5. Applicants shall arrive in Xiamen, China before 14:00pm of October 17th, 2020 and report to the Organizing Committee at the designated place.

  6. The order of performances will be determined by a drawing of lots on the 15:00pm of October 17th and will be maintained throughout the entire competition. Contestants shall arrive at the venue of the Competition at the designated time or will be deemed to have withdrawn from the Competition.

  7. There is no requirement for memorizing the music sheet throughout the competition. The order of the performances and the repetitions in the composition are determined by the player.

  8. On the date of competition, all contestants shall submit two photocopies of the music score of their repertoires for the current round of competition.

  9. Any repertoire changes shall be submitted to the Organizing Committee before September 1st, 2020. No repertoire change will be allowed during the Competition.

  10. Contestants’Travel Expenses, Food and Accommodation:

  Contestants are responsible for their own travel expenses. The Organizing Committee will provide food and accommodation after arrival in Kulangsu, Xiamen.

  * Food and accommodation for contestants for the two days before the Competition (October 16th, 2020) until the end of the Competition (October 21st, 2020) will be provided as follows:

  The Semi-final round Participants: Until the next morning 12:00pm after the semi-final round.

  The Final round Participants: Until the next morning 12:00pm after the prizes-presenting ceremony.

  * Persons accompanying the contestants will be responsible for their own travel, food, accommodation and transportation expenses. During the Competition, the Organizing Committee may arrange for food and accommodation for such persons but only at hotels designated by the Organizing Committee.

  In the semi-final round and final round, the staff to assist in turning the scores will be provided by the organizing committee, and contestants can bring their own staff to assist in turning the scores.


  第一名:               7.0万人民币

  第二名:               6.0万人民币

  第三名:               5.0万人民币

  第四名:               2.5万人民币

  第五名:              1.5万人民币

  第六名:              1.0万人民币


  II. Prizes for Winners:

  1st Prize: RMB 70,000

  2nd Prize: RMB 60,000

  3rd Prize: RMB 50,000

  4th Prize: RMB 25,000

  5th Prize: RMB 15,000

  6th Prize: RMB 10,000

  Note: The above bonus is the amount after tax in RMB.


  半决赛: 进入本轮的选手必须演奏时间不得少于30分钟至多35分钟,曲目自选(均为双钢琴作品),并可与初赛之曲目相同。

  决  赛:进入决赛的选手曲目演奏时间不得少于50分钟至多60分钟,曲目自选(均为双钢琴作品),须有三个不同乐派作品,并包含下列作曲家作品一首。

  1、莫扎特:D大调双钢琴奏鸣曲,作品448                               W. A. Mozart: Sonata for Two Pianos, Op.448

  2、勃拉姆斯:海顿主题变奏曲,作品56b                                        J.Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Haydn, Op.56b


  C. Saint-Saens: Variations on a Theme by Beethoven for Two Pianos, Op.35

  4、拉赫曼尼诺夫: 第二号组曲,作品17                            

  S. Rachmaninoff: Suite No.2 for Two Pianos, Op. 17


  III. Specific requirements of repertoires

  Semi-final round: Contestants will give a recital of no less than 30 and up to 35 minutes with a repertoire of their choice. No requirements for repertoires and can be the same as the preliminary rounds.

  Final round: Contestants will give a recital of no less than 50 and up to 60 minutes with a repertoire of their choice. There must be three different styles of music, and including one of these repertoires:

  1. W. A. Mozart---Sonata for Two Pianos, Op.448

  2. J.Brahms---Variations on a Theme by Haydn, Op.56b

  3.  C. Saint- Saens---Variations on a Theme by Beethoven for Two Pianos, Op.35

  4.  S. Rachmaninoff---Suite No.2 for Two Pianos, Op. 17

  Note: The repertoire of the final round must not be the same as the repertoire that used in semi-final round.


  2020年06月30日                     申请截止日

  2020年07月15日                     公布并通知初赛结果

  2020年08月20日                     最终确认参赛选手半决赛资格

  2020年09月01日                 曲目更改截止日

  2020年10月17日11:00至10月17日14:00  组委会指定地点报到

  2020年10月17日15:00           抽签、试琴

  2020年10月18日至10月19日    半决赛

  2020年10月19日至10月20日    决赛

  2020年10月21日                颁奖典礼暨闭幕式音乐会

  IV. Important Dates: 

  June 30th, 2020: Deadline for application

  July 15th, 2020: Notification of results of preliminary round

  August 20th, 2020:Final confirmation of semi-final round eligibility of contestants

  September 1st, 2020: Deadline for repertoire changes

  October 17th, 11:00am-14:00pm 2020: Register to the Organizing Committee at the designated place

  October 17th, 15:00pm 2020: Drawing of lots, and time for participants to test the piano before the competition

  October 18 & 19th, 2020: The Semi-final round

  October 19 & 20th, 2020: The Final round

  October 21st, 2020: Prizes-presenting ceremony & prize-winner’s concert


  V. The Organizing Committee of the 2020 Kulangsu Piano Duo Competition is responsible for interpreting these Rules and Regulations.


  Appendix: Application Form for the 2020 Kulangsu Piano Duo Competition.xls (Click to download the Application Form)


  Kulangsu-Wanshishan Scenic Area Administration Committee, Xiamen 


  January 10, 2020