Brief Introduction to Gulangyu

  Gulangyu Islet, to the southwest of Xiamen Island, covers an area of 1.87 square kilometers. Its rugged rocks, winding seacoast, undulating green hills and unique workings of Mother Nature create the beautiful and intriguing scenery. The islet’s major scenic spots of Sunlight Rock, Shuzhuang Garden, and Haoyue Park are the most prominent tourist attractions. Gulangyu Islet lies in a subtropical marine monsoo...[more]

Monuments & Sites
  • Sunlight Rock
  • Haoyue Park
  • Shuzhuang Garden
  • Piano Museum
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    Sunlight Rock

      Sunlight Rock Scenic Area includes Sunlight Rock and Piano Garden. Sunlight Rock, also known as Dragon Head Hill, is the highest point of Gulangyu Islet. Perched atop Sunlight Rock is a gigantic stone with a diameter of over 40 meters. A towering creation of nature and the symbol of Xiamen, it commands a panoramic view of the narrow channel between Xiamen Island and Gulangyu Islet, and was where Zheng Chenggong(often known abroad as Koxinga) stationed his troops before he recovered Taiwan from Dutch occuption. Ruins of Zheng C...[more]

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    Sunlight Rock

      Haoyue Park is China's only sculpture park built in commemoration of the national hero Zheng Chenggong. The name of the park derives from the line "I had a sleepless night thinking of Your Majesty as the bright moon light streamed in through the curtain", from the “Two Yanping Lords Poetry Collection" composed in remembrance of the hero and the yearning for the return of the motherland's treasured island of Taiwan. The major attractions in the garden include Zheng Chenggong's Stone Statue, Zheng Chenggong's Bronze Sculptures,...[more]

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    Sunlight Rock

      Shuzhuang Garden was built in 1913 by a wealthy Taiwanese named Lin Erjia, who modeled it after his father's villa in Banqiao,Taipei of Taiwan, Mr. Lin gave it the name "Shuzhuang" after his stylized name of "Shuzang". The gardenis divided into two parts, with "Canghai" facing the sea and "Bushan" against the hill, each having five scenic sights. The Garden contains the Gulangyu Piano Museum, which is "China's only and the world's first-class" treasure house of pianos, with nearly 100 precious historic pianos from throughout t...[more]

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    Sunlight Rock

      Piano Museum, which is finished on Gulangyu in January, 2000, is located in "Tingtao Pavilion" of Shuzhuang Garden. It covers an area of 450 square meters, and it is divided into two floors. There are 40 more old pianos displayed in the museum (collected by patriotic overseas Chinese Mr. Hu Youyi), among which are rare and valuable gold-plating piano in the world, the oldest four-corner piano in the world and the oldest and biggest vertical piano, antique hand-power piano, pedal auto-performing piano, 8-pedal ancient piano, et...[more]

Natural Geography

  Xiamen's mean annual temperature is 21.2℃. Its mean annual highest temperature is 24.5℃, mean annual lowest temperature 18.7℃,annual highest temperature 38.4℃, annual lowest temperature 2℃, mean temperature in the coldest month is above 13℃, frost-free whole year. Annual lowest temperature of sea-water surface is 10℃,annual highest temperature 31.5℃,mean annual temperature 20.7—21.6℃. Xiamen's sea wind and land wind are very obvious. From midnight till noon the wind is from the west and the northwest (generally scale 1 to 2, at most 4), from noon till midnight the wind is from the south and the southeast (generally scale 3 to 4, at most 6). Summer wind generally is from the southeast and th...

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